Why Isn't CBD Oil Addictive? – CBD Instead

Why Isn't CBD Oil Addictive?

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Many popular medications that doctors prescribe for pain and anxiety are very addictive, and with long-term use can start to wreak havoc on your body. One reason many people turn to CBD instead is that it isn’t addictive and many consider it a safer alternative.

What Does It Mean To Be Addicted?

Addiction is a brain disease because overusing certain substances can change the way your brain works. Addiction is when your brain compels you to get a chemical reaction even if there are harmful consequences. This can look like overeating, impulsive lifestyles, and drug abuse.

Addiction And The Reward System

Our bodies are equipped with a built-in motivator to survive we know as the reward system. Anytime you do something good for your like eating for sustainability, sleeping for recovery, and having sex to avoid extinction; your brain releases dopamine which stimulates your reward system. This is a tool our bodies use to make us strive for survival. Unfortunately, overstimulating the reward system also is the reason people have cravings.

Why CBD Oil Isn’t Addictive

Unlike many drugs that treat pain and anxiety, CBD doesn’t overstimulate the reward system when you take it. In fact, hemp oil regulates your reward system which can help reduce cravings you have towards things that are addictive like processed foods, cigarettes, and even opiates. One reason CBD oil has gotten so much attention in the medical community is that of its lack of addictive properties.

Do You Get Withdrawals From CBD?

One thing about medication that can make it addicting besides overstimulating your reward system is the withdrawals you feel when you stop taking medication. This is especially common in anti-depressants, pain medication, and anti-anxiety medicine. If you forget to take your hemp oil medicine, it is more likely that you will just notice your symptoms more instead of your symptoms coming back at a higher severity.

Are you ready to try using CBD instead of harmful medications? Be sure to stop by our shop! We have a wide variety of products that are likely to fit any comfort level. If you are already taking CBD, what do you use CBD instead of? We would love to hear all about it in the comments!


Sarah Potts


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  • Wow Danette, what an incredible story! That is so terrible that you suddenly found yourself suffering from almost everything under the sun! That must have been such a crazy and wild ride, and we are so happy to hear where it is ending. Thank you so much for sharing your story!!
    CBD Instead

    CBD Instead on

  • I have had chronic pain from fibromyalgia, spinal stenosis, lumbar nerve impingments, neuropathy, osteoarthritis, sciatica, cervical and lumbar multiple disc bulging not to even mention the anxiety, depression, IBS, migraines, nausea and chronic widespread pain! I first experienced all this at just 28 years old! I have sense been forced to seek medical relief from PCP’s, neurologists, rheumatologist, PT, chiropractors and my least favorite chronic pain specialists that treat you like a drug seeker every single month you’re required to go…ugh! I have been taking seroquel 50mg, ativan 1mg 3x daily, zoloft 75mg, tizanidine 4mg 4x daily, gabapentin 3200 mg and HYDROCODONE 7.5 mg 4x daily! I’m 39!!! What? I got so fed up with the hoops I had to jump through every month, pay the fees for copays and scripts and specialists, not to mention the new laws that took effect July 1st in TN….omg! Is it worth it? I’ve been on addictive meds now for 12 years even though I’m not an addict but still have chosen to get away from all of these crazy doctors and started my journey to CBD organic hemp oil! What a life changer, all of my symptoms from everything I noted above were gone in an instant!! This oil works better than every med I have been forced to take just to get 40% relief. With the oil, it’s 100% relief. I can’t recommend it enough to anyone with my medical issues! I praise the wonderful plant God has given us and I would like to say “Thank You” to cbc companies that are able to provide us with high quality oil. Thank you so much!

    Danette Bruckbauer on

  • What an awesome story, Jennie! That is so incredible that CBD changed your life for the better! Everyone deserves a chance at a happy and healthy life, and it is so great that you were given that chance. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony, it very well could help someone else take the leap!
    CBD Instead

    CBD Instead on

  • I was on a heavy dose to pain killers, 4 a day, and a highly addictive anxiety medication. I moved and changed doctors and could not be seen right away. I found cbd and decided to use it for withdrawal symptoms. To my surprise, I was able to NOT go back on the medication. Cbd changed my life completely!

    Jennie Minor on

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