CBD and Mental Health – CBD Instead

CBD and Mental Health

Is CBD Oil Safe to Take for People Who Struggle with Addiction?

If someone has a past of addiction, is it safe to take CBD oil?

By Sarah Potts

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Why is CBT the Preferred Therapy for OCD?

Why are so many people with OCD using CBT?

By Sarah Potts

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7 Ways to Support Someone with Depression

Do you know someone who is suffering from depression? Here are 7 ways you can help support them.

By Sarah Potts

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Therapies for Depression that Work

Check out these therapies that have shown in studies to actually work!

By Sarah Potts

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ADHD and Time Blindness

Do you have a problem with keeping track of time throughout the day? Are you always late to everything? It could be your ADHD.

By Sarah Potts

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