How To Be Pro-Marijuana Without Breaking The Law – CBD Instead

How To Be Pro-Marijuana Without Breaking The Law

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[Title Image Credit: @GreenMedicineSP]

Jeff Sessions has come forward attacking the marijuana community, but how can you help without risking your freedom? There are plenty of weed warriors who are arming the big guns, taking falls with astronomical consequences, but that might not be up your alley. Maybe you don’t even like to enjoy recreational marijuana, and you don’t need it medicinally, but you still want people to have access to it who need or want it. There are ways that you can help the marijuana movement without breaking the law or damaging your moral integrity; you just have to think outside of the box.

Knowledge is one of the most powerful things in the universe. Gaining this knowledge and spreading it is a great way to be an advocate for anything. What the marijuana community needs is people like you to have honest conversations that spread information about marijuana. Making cannabis a part of normal conversation helps more than you might realize and it’s effortless to do.

When talking about marijuana with people who may not see the same side as you, it can be easy to get heated in the debate. When it comes to people’s lives, it is difficult not to care a lot. But you have to understand that the other side almost always is also in the same mindset as you. The only difference is they think that marijuana is harmful and want to protect people from it instead of knowing it heals and wanting to give people access to it.

This doesn’t mean forcing your opinions on other people, and this definitely doesn’t mean refusing to listen to the other side. Take into consideration where they are coming from, and maybe you can enlighten them on something they have never heard before. Did you know that many people still have no idea what CBD oil is? And if they do, many have no idea it comes from marijuana. They could be against marijuana while benefiting from it without realizing!

There is also a time and place for everything. Yes, we should be talking about marijuana and educating as many people as we can. But this doesn’t mean you should just talk about it everywhere you go. If you work for a company that has anti-marijuana policies, you may not want to preach the wonders of marijuana in the break room. If you are comfortable with HR questioning you, then go for it. That will definitely make waves in the movement. However, it’s extremely risky, and the whole point is to be an advocate without getting in trouble. You don’t have to be the one taking risks if you don’t want to. Nobody expects you to put your livelihood on the line.

We have tons of information on this site to gain more knowledge on why marijuana is so awesome. Check out our other articles to get some ammo for the next conversation on the front porch with friends.

Sarah Potts


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