Can Marijuana Kill You? – CBD Instead

Can Marijuana Kill You?

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[Title Image: @GreenMedicineSP]


Marijuana is often compared to other drugs, illegal and legal alike. Even though it is a completely different substance and interacts with our bodies in a completely different way, we can't help but put marijuana into categories with other drugs. Medical marijuana relieves pain similar to how morphine does. Marijuana changes your perception and can intoxicate you, similar to alcohol. Since marijuana can be compared, that must mean they are the same, right? Opioid and alcohol are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths each year from overdosing, how many does marijuana have?

If we are talking about CBD, the chemical so well known for being safe and healing, the answer is zero. If we are talking about the marijuana that intoxicates you with high amounts of THC, the answer is still zero.

If you wanted to overdose on marijuana, you would need 240 joints. Researchers have estimated that a joint on average is .32 grams. This means you would have to smoke 76.8 grams in one sitting by yourself, that is more than two and a half ounces of marijuana. It is much more likely to fall asleep after the fifth joint to yourself than overdose on marijuana.

What about car accidents from someone who’s had a few tokes? That has to happen, right? It does, unfortunately, there isn’t enough research to tell us exactly how much more dangerous it is to use heavy machinery while using marijuana. Though marijuana can’t kill you by overdosing, it is still unclear whether or not it is safe to drive while intoxicated.

The best thing you can do to use marijuana safely is just not to drive intoxicated. Especially if you have a job where you are using large equipment, your mind should be crisp. Using marijuana recreationally is safe, but when you start testing how well you can function high, you put other people at risk.

If you recently have lit up and are in outer space and an emergency happens, using CBD tinctures can help. CBD can reduce the high as well as the adverse effects many have toward high THC marijuana. If you still feel a little loopy, stay away from the car until you can have your head straight.

If you need an energy de-high kit, come check out our shop! We have e-cigarettes and tinctures that will get your focus and concentration back down from the clouds from recreational use.

Sarah Potts


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