CBD And Stroke Recovery – CBD Instead

CBD And Stroke Recovery

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When you have a stroke, you’re losing blood flow and oxygen needed to keep your brain running. By losing access to two critical components for survival, your brain may undergo some damage. Researchers believe that by taking CBD oil, you may be able to prevent the damage and maybe even one day reverse it.

There are two different main types of strokes that we experience today. The first is the hemorrhagic stroke. This stroke is when a blood vessel ruptures, causing internal bleeding. This type of stroke can be due to high blood pressure, but also aneurisms and malformation in your arteries can cause this to happen.

The second type of stroke is the ischemic stroke. This type of stroke is the most popular way to have a stroke, and it is because of blood clots depriving your brain of oxygen and nutrients. You can also experience what is often called a mini-stroke, where you have blood clots but they don’t block the path of the blood for long, and there is usually no permanent damage.

Within minutes of losing access to oxygen and blood, your brain cells will begin to die. Our cells are dying all of the time, but when they are pushed to die faster than our body can replace or repair them, that is when you start to see some brain damage.

Researchers believe that they have found a way for us to prevent brain damage from strokes through CBD. In an animal model test, they discovered that rat models had lower levels of inflammation in their cardiovascular system. They saw a 66% reduction in cell death with these test animals.

Another study where researchers tested mice found that CBD can help with the neural damage as well. They found that that cerebral cell death was significantly lower in mice that were dosed with CBD. They also found that cerebral blood flow was increased.

Scientists are excited about what this could mean for stroke treatment. Many people have to deal with the repercussions their whole lives, wouldn’t it be amazing if we could give them their functionality back? If you’ve experienced brain damage or a stroke, talk to your doctor about CBD today. CBD could be the piece of the puzzle you’ve been missing.

Sarah Potts


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1 comment

  • My daughter was 14 months old when some monster attack her she was bleeding in the walls of her brain during her surgery she had a stroke now she is two. She has problem with her right side body barely use right hand. But talks very well no other problems very smart.

    Christy Harville on

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