Conquering Your New Year's Resolution – CBD Instead

Conquering Your New Year's Resolution

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Resolutions are a silly thing sometimes, especially when we are only proclaiming them because we are high on the energy of those around us who are hopeful for a bigger and better year. But like all highs, it doesn’t last forever. Eventually, May comes around, and you are back to eating those sweets you promised you would never touch again. This year, try something different. CBD oil can help you achieve your dreams for 2018, and here’s how.

I Want To Quit Smoking Or Drinking Alcohol Next Year

Addictions are one of the first things people want to quit to kick-start the new year. Two of the hardest ones to quit are alcohol and cigarettes. You might be thinking, but surely black tar heroin is harder to stop than cigarettes. Which, there is no doubt that the withdrawals and cravings are much worse. The difference between addictive hard drugs and these is that you can walk into almost any corner store in any neighborhood and get these things and no one blinks an eye, while heroin you would have to go search for it. Having things that are so addictive being easily accessible just makes it harder to quit, especially when you are fighting cravings in the check out lane.

Your brain gets addicted because it is confused. A reaction occurs when you drink or smoke that makes your brain think, “Wow, this is amazing! I need this!” People who struggle with addiction are fighting their instincts to survive even though the action they are fighting against could kill them. CBD straightens the brain out, and the cravings become less severe. Your brain no longer recognizes it as a need, but merely just a want. And you can handle that because you can do anything you set your mind to.

I Want To Lose Or Gain Weight Next Year

We all want to be healthy and beautiful, but beautiful is different between each person so healthy should really be the primary goal. You look much better alive than dead is probably a universal consensus. Whether you are underweight or overweight, you might be thinking this new year is an excellent time to start a new diet or change your lifestyle up a bit. While you’re doing that, CBD can help you along.

For those of you who are underweight, it might be because you have no appetite. For those of you who have never experienced it, sometimes people just can’t eat. Like when you have the flu, and everything looks like cardboard, and you just go sleep it off until you’re hungry, some people feel like that for days or weeks. CBD can help with this, though. Your low appetite could be brought upon by depression, anxiety, or pain which CBD is known for helping treat. CBD can help make food look more appetizing again.

For those of you with the opposite issue where you’re appetite never ends or your body holds on to every ounce of fat you consume, CBD mixed with a work out regimen, and a healthy lifestyle can make you shave off unhealthy weight fast. CBD oil browns fat making it easily burned opposed to being stored for later use. It also helps boost your energy making your workouts easier to accomplish.

I Want To Save Money Next Year

CBD can’t make you money, but it can help those with impulsive spending habits. Often people will buy things to make them or someone else happy, which works for a while. But since it doesn’t stick, we end up going out and spending more money that should be left in savings. Some people also have a hard time connecting their future to their present, unaware of consequences that could happen from spending money they shouldn’t. Sure you get by, but what about emergencies? CBD can help those impulsive feelings calm down, making you calmer and collected when shopping. You won't just throw a hundred dollar vase in the cart because you’re lost in the moment with CBD. Instead, you’ll be able to recognize consequences way before they happen.

If you’re ready to take on this new year by the horns and get your life in order like you know you can, CBD can just make it easier to accomplish. You don’t need these things; you’re strong and empowered. But it has been a crazy year, so a little help never hurt. Check out our shop to see the great options we have for you.

Sarah Potts


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