Worried About Holiday Weight Gain? – CBD Instead

Worried About Holiday Weight Gain?

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This time of year can be the worst time for diets. The holiday season rolls around, and eventually, after it’s over, you could be rolling around, too. It’s hard saying no to your aunt’s delicious homemade mashed potatoes or that new recipe your uncle put in the turkey this year. Some people are strong, and with the armor of self-control, they block every piece of chocolate pie thrown in their direction. But not everyone has the spine to turn down stuffing, so what if hemp oil could help the situation?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical found in the hemp or cannabis plant that works with our body as a regulator. One of the things it regulates is the body’s appetite. And this is interesting because it can solve two problems at the dinner table.

Not everyone can eat whenever hungry. Some people feel their stomach begging for food, but everything looks like cardboard. That is because they have no appetite. Though their body needs food, there is a miscommunication to get that information across. CBD can help make that communication more clear, raising the person’s appetite so they can finally eat.

On the other side of the chocolate gold coin, some people overeat or don’t stop once their body is full. This habit can be because they have an overactive appetite. If you think you might have a problem with eating everything on the Thanksgiving table, then CBD can help calm that hunger down. Hemp oil will not keep you from eating; it will just make your brain aware when you are full and when it is time to stop eating.

CBD also helps with the food after you’ve eaten it through a process called fat browning. This process is when the white fat that the body stores for energy is turned into brown fat that is burned. So even if you end up eating a little too much, just having a healthy CBD regimen can help you burn off that extra weight just in time to have a reasonable New Year’s resolution.

If you're thinking about taking CBD to manage your weight, come check out the shop! It's just a click away, and there are so many different methods that you're sure to find the best one for you.

Sarah Potts


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