How Long Does CBD Oil Last? – CBD Instead

How Long Does CBD Oil Last?

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So, you’re shopping around for some CBD oil because you have finally decided that your illness isn’t going to run your life. You’ve learned how much CBD is in each product, but then begs the questions, “How long does CBD take to work and how long does it last?”

The answer is in the method you decide to use to take the CBD oil. If you need relief all day, you would probably look towards edibles. If you need relief right now, you might look to e-cigarettes. Here are all the ways to take CBD, and how long you get to feel their remarkable benefits.

Sublingual and Vaping CBD

CBD Vaping

With disorders like anxiety and chronic migraines, sometimes you don’t need relief through the whole day. When it comes to illnesses that appear in spurts and are extreme, using fast-acting methods of CBD may be the way to go. Tinctures, e-cigarettes, sprays, and breath strips are all fast acting because they avoid the digestive system. They have been reported to work quickly. However, they usually only bring relief for a few hours.

CBD Topicals

CBD Topicals

With pain or skin diseases, CBD can start to get to work instantly giving you a soothing sensation over the targeted areas. This type of CBD only lasts at full strength for a few hours before it may start getting weaker and needs reapplication.  

CBD Edibles and Pills

CBD Edibles

Since edibles and pills have to go through the digestive process, they take longer to work — many report between 30-90 minutes before they start feeling any effect. The great thing about edibles, though, is that they can last for most of your day. This type of method is excellent for people with hard to reach pain like Chron’s Disease or chronic mental illnesses like depression.

CBD Suppositories

CBD Suppositories

Suppositories are an entirely different ball game when it comes to CBD medication. You may be reluctant to try it, but you will be glad you did. This method avoids the digestive system and slowly degrades the chemical in your body over time. You can start feeling the effects in as little as 15 minutes and have relief for up to 8 hours.

Come check out our shop to find the perfect method for you. We have some great products with multiple different strengths that can fit the needs of most anybody. Connect with us on our social media platforms; we would love to hear your experiences with CBD.


Sarah Potts

Sarah Potts has been writing about the wonderful benefits of cannabis for CBD Instead since 2017. Medical cannabis has changed her life and her goal is to show others how it might help them as well.


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