3 Activities To Do With Your Loved Ones With Dementia – CBD Instead

3 Activities To Do With Your Loved Ones With Dementia

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Studies suggest that a rich social life may be able to decrease the risk of developing dementia, possibly because of the intellectual and social stimulation causing neuroprotective effects. Some activities may even help slow down the development, helping patients hold onto their mental health for longer.

When spending time with your loved one who is at high risk for developing dementia or has already started to develop it, to help, you'll want to partake in activities that are mentally stimulating but not overwhelming. These types of activities can help them feel better by giving their brain a little boost.

Before diving into these activities, you need to remember what your loved one is capable of and be patient with them. Try not to set up any activities that they would have a difficult time doing, because if they fail, it could make their mental state even worse.

3 Activities To Do With Your Loved Ones With Dementia

1. Reminiscing

This is an easy one, and it helps make the activity become all about your loved one. Singing songs from the past can help stir up memories and give them an emotional connection to something that they have really missed. You can watch old home videos to help trigger memories and remind them of the loving family that they have. Even cooking their favorite meal can help because smell and taste are such strong magnets for memories. Contributing to the meal can also give them a sense of accomplishment.

2. Arts And Crafts

Seniors can absolutely benefit from art therapy, and it is a fun activity that can include you! Arts and crafts can help stimulate their creativity, and art therapy is great for depression which many people with dementia struggle with. Puzzles can help them organize, and problem solve gently, while also being another activity that gives them a feeling of accomplishment when they are finished.

3. Go Outdoors

One great thing walking around in nature may be able to do is help reduce depression, which is a good start to helping your loved one with dementia. Going on short walks can get their muscles moving and their blood pumping which is excellent for the body and mind, especially in the elderly to help with dementia. You can even help them tend a garden to help them feel accomplished for getting a task finished while they soak up the sun’s vitamin D which can also help them with their depression.

Just Take The Time

You can help your loved one; you just have to take the time to do it. Find out what benefits them the most and what makes them the happiest. Your loved one may also benefit from taking CBD for their dementia as well. When it comes to the people we love, we will do anything to keep them around for longer and to make their time here more comfortable and filled with joy. Talk to your doctor about other ways you can help, including inquiring about CBD oil.


Sarah Potts

Sarah Potts has been writing about the wonderful benefits of cannabis for CBD Instead since 2017. Medical cannabis has changed her life and her goal is to show others how it might help them as well.


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