Taking CBD For Public Speaking – CBD Instead

Taking CBD For Public Speaking

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Have you ever had to stand in front of a crowd to speak and suddenly your mind turns off? Whether it’s a presentation and you can’t stop saying “uh” or “um.” Or a speech you must give and your nervous laugh echoes through the speakers. Public speaking is a difficult thing to do, especially when you already have anxiety. CBD oil can help you get up there with confidence and blow the crowd away.

Fear and anxiety can get in the way of public speaking. For most people, they are terrified of being vulnerable in front of a crowd. Which isn’t such a far-fetched fear considering the ridicule that is plastered all over the internet to remind us how cruel humanity can be.

Anxiety and fear happen when your brain is reacting to something. This isn’t such a bad thing when there is a car shooting down the street, and you’re right in the middle of the intersection; this reaction is what kicks your survival instincts into overdrive so you can jump out of the way. When anxiety and fear become a problem is when your brain is over-activated during times where you aren’t in any real danger.

When you have anxiety about something, your brain is firing off a bunch of fear signals across what is called the synapse, which is the space in between two neurons. This message signaling helps you feel more alert. This would be great if a tiger was chasing you, but not when you’re about to go on stage.

Taking CBD oil a few minutes before you do your public speaking can help calm your brain down so fear isn’t in control of your mind. Cannabidiol elevates an endocannabinoid called anandamide which helps reduce the overactivity in your brain causing the anxiety.

The way anandamide works is through a process called retrograde signaling. It travels backward from the receiving cell to the sending cell with its own type of message. This message is telling the sending cell to either stop sending so many signals or to send more because there isn’t enough activity. With anxiety, anandamide tells the sending cell to calm down, so your receiving cell doesn’t get overwhelmed.

During a study, they tested the effects of cannabidiol on people who were about to do public speaking. The subjects using cannabidiol had a significant change in anxiety, cognitive impairment, and discomfort while speaking.

If you need to get rid of the jitters that arise when you have to speak in front of a group of people, try CBD oil for your anxiety. It doesn’t take much at all, just a few drops of tincture or puffs from an e-cigarette. And if you want to get even more discreet, you can use oral spray or CBD candy. Be sure to stop by our shop to check out our wide variety of options that could be perfect for you!

Sarah Potts


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