Can Cannabis Users Donate Blood? – CBD Instead

Can Cannabis Users Donate Blood?

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Donating blood is one of the best things you can do for your community. On average, 36,000 units of blood a day are needed in the United States. If you smoke cannabis, can you donate the blood our nation needs?

Blood Donation InfoGraph

Each unit is between eight and twelve pints, and only one pint can be safely donated per person. It can be exciting getting into the spirit of helping others and know that you made a difference, but could using cannabis be the reason they tell you no at the door?

Whether you use it recreationally or medicinally, chemicals like CBD and THC are in your system nonetheless. Considering THC is still illegal in many states, many think that this could keep them from donating blood, even if they only use CBD just because of the plant it comes from. But the red cross states that alcohol and marijuana use does not disqualify you from participating in helping your fellow human. But only an estimated 38% of the population can donate, so what are things that could have you turned away?


Conditions That Do Disqualify You For Donating Blood

  • Being positive for AIDs or hepatitis.
  • If you have had a piercing without a sterile needle in the last 12 months.
  • Being imprisoned.
  • Being in the U.S military and serving in Iraq or Afghanistan in the last 12 months.
  • Physically small people less than 110 pounds.
  • If you have the flu.
  • Pregnancy and recent childbirth.
  • Having low levels of iron.
  • If you have had most cancer or chemotherapy in the last five years.
  • Having blood cancer.
  • If you have had malaria in the last 12 months.
  • Being on antibiotics.

If none of these things are anything you need to worry about, then go ahead and donate! You can save up to three lives with your donation. To find a local blood drive, go to the Red Cross website and start saving lives today!

Sarah Potts


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