Can CBD Slow The Development Of Arthritis In Professional Dancers? – CBD Instead

Can CBD Slow The Development Of Arthritis In Professional Dancers?

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Dance is a beautiful art and those who devote their lives to expressing it put themselves at risk of developing conditions that can make dancing more painful like arthritis. Even with perfect technique, dancers can accidentally injure themselves over time. While rest plays a big part in recovering and prolonging the health of the body, study suggests that CBD oil may be able to help slow down the development of arthritis.

Studies have shown that professional dancers can find themselves developing a joint disease which they believe some of it comes from microtrauma. Using CBD oil for the pain may also be able to slow down the progression of osteoarthritis because of its potential healing properties.

CBD And Osteoarthritis

In a rodent model, researchers found that cannabidiol (CBD) inhibited the pain associated with arthritis. CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects have continuously shown to be beneficial to help manage painful conditions. What they also found was that these anti-inflammatory effects might also play a roll in disrupting the progression of this condition, which may mean that dancers can have the career of their dreams for even longer.

How To Use CBD For Arthritis

Using a CBD topical on the joints that are hurting can work quickly, getting to the affected area through the skin. This can help people who are in pain at the moment, but that doesn’t mean to just jump back out on the dance floor because you don’t feel the pain anymore. While the pain may be gone, it’s important to remember that rest is vital to an actual full recovery.

Rest Is Just As Important For Recovery

Dancing for more than five hours a day can lead to an increase in injuries. Because there is no “off season” for dancers, a lot of them don’t give their body enough time to rest putting themselves in danger. While CBD may be able to help with the pain and arthritis, taking care of your body is also extremely crucial.

Get Yours Today!

If you are a dancer and you find that over the years your joints have begun to start hurting, stop by our shop today to get a CBD hemp topical that you can rub into your swollen joints to help with the pain. If you are new to dancing, using the CBD topicals may be able to help you avoid developing osteoarthritis as well. Your body is your tool to express yourself to the world, keep it in good condition so you can enjoy this passion for even longer.


Are you a dancer? Have you developed pain in your joints? What are some tips and tricks you wish you knew when you first started dancing to help reduce the likelihood of injury or developing a joint disease? We would love to hear about it in the comment section below!

Sarah Potts


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