CBD For Your Child's Anxiety – CBD Instead

CBD For Your Child's Anxiety

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It’s a scary world out there, especially for our children. Children too young to tie their shoes are scared to go to school, and their anxiety may be affecting their school work and relationships. The main thing they need right now is you, their parents, to help them figure out these crazy emotions most of us were never subjected to at a young age. Through learning coping mechanisms and finding ways to feel safer you can help ease their minds. If they seem like they still need extra help, CBD can help with their anxiety.

Cannabidiol (CBD) interacts with our mental state by elevating an endocannabinoid called anandamide which binds to the CB1 receptor. This cannabinoid receptor helps mediate your mood, sleep cycle, sensitivity to pain, and appetite. When people are put in stressful situations, like going to school, their brains become overactive with a bunch of “What Ifs.” This is a necessary survival mechanism, but it can get in the way of your child’s education and relationships if it gets too out of hand.

Life was much easier when the biggest problem in your child’s life was a huge test coming up that they didn’t study for. Now they are learning evacuation and lockdown drills in case there is a shooter in their school. You can help ease their minds by getting involved with the school,  going through the exercises with them and learning coping strategies for how they feel. Talking to your kids about this is so very important, you are their beacon of strength.

Their anxiety might be more out of control than what consoling can help with. If your child can’t sleep at night and can’t focus on their homework, the stress is going to pile up and explode into a full-on disorder. By taking CBD oil, you can help their brains calm down, so they can think more rationally.

Your child’s brain is a beautiful sponge that is taking in everything they see and hear all around them. They are the perfect mold for knowledge, but the world we live in shoves other information in their direction. They see what these kids are going through all over the country and the reasonable reaction is, “If it can happen to them, it can happen to me.”

Does this mean they will experience this type of trauma? No, it’s not likely. With the hundreds of thousands of schools in the country and only a handful of them are experiencing this trauma, statistically speaking they are still safe. But this doesn’t take away from the fact it has happened to people just like them.

CBD oil won't make them less scared or worried, but it can help them be in a calmer state so they can make better decisions. When we are upset, it is hard to think logically which can turn into a downward spiral of poor mental health.

Talk to your kids about how they are feeling, help them find coping mechanisms to deal with their stress. Even getting them into therapy can help improve their way of thinking. CBD oil won't cure them of this anxiety, but it will make the road to recovery a lot easier for them. Talk to your doctor today about using CBD oil to help with your child’s anxiety.


Sarah Potts


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