CBD And Your Pet's Allergic Contact Dermatitis – CBD Instead

CBD And Your Pet's Allergic Contact Dermatitis

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Just like us, animals can have allergic reactions to things. When you notice that your pet has developed a rash, it could be allergic contact dermatitis which is a chronic inflammation of the skin that comes from things like medication, soaps, foods, grass, and dust mites. Also just like us, using CBD oil can help your pet.

Cannabidiol (CBD) can help with allergic dermatitis because of its ability to reduce inflammation and pain. It also is an excellent alternative to other topical medications prescribed because there are usually little to no side effects.

How Do You Know If Your Pet Has Allergic Dermatitis?

If your pet starts to develop a rash and does a lot of licking, they might be allergic to something in the environment or something you have given them. Have no fear! Just like people, pets have an endocannabinoid system. This means it can benefit your pet the same way that it can benefit us.

What Is Allergic Dermatitis

Allergic contact dermatitis is inflammation. When your pet encounters an allergen, their body sees it as a threat and starts to send immune cells to the area of contact. Attack cells are necessary to kill off pathogens. However, too much inflammation can hinder healing and inflammation that isn’t needed can be harmful.

How Can CBD Help?


CBD oil elevates the endocannabinoid 2-AG. This endocannabinoid binds mainly to the CB2 receptor that regulates the immune system. What 2-AG does is travels backward toward the cannabinoid receptor through a process called retrograde signaling, and it tells the receptor to stop sending out so many attack cells which results in reduced inflammation.


If your pet is in pain from excessive grooming, CBD oil helps reduce their sensitivity to pain through elevating the endocannabinoid anandamide. Like 2-AG, this endocannabinoid travels backward with a message. Anandamide mainly binds with CB1 cannabinoid receptors which help mediate neurological functions, including the sensitivity to pain.

How To Use CBD Oil For Your Pet’s Allergic Contact Dermatitis

The CBD pet spray can be used orally or topically. In this case, using it topically can help get to the problem quickly and efficiently. Just spray the oil on the affected area and try to keep your pet from licking it off by using a cone, boot, or other methods of keeping your pet away from their rash. This isn’t because it is harmful to ingest, but because it will no longer be a topical but an oral medication which takes longer, and a higher concentration is needed to be effective.

Sarah Potts


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