Could Making Marijuana Recreational Benefit Our Youth? – CBD Instead

Could Making Marijuana Recreational Benefit Our Youth?

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If a teenager wants to do something, it is likely that they will find a way. This is definitely something accurate when it comes to cannabis use. Though marijuana has so many healing properties, buying cannabis off the street isn’t the same thing as going into a dispensary. And with teens, it is likely that it is easier for them to utilize the black market. It may seem counterintuitive to take something “potentially harmful” and put it on the market for the same reason teenagers are using it, but it is actually helping our county’s youth.

The Availability Has Decreased


In states where marijuana has become recreational, teens actually have a harder time finding cannabis. Some think that having marijuana in stores all over the city would make it easier for teens to get their hands on it, but the opposite is proving true. This is also putting a good amount of drug dealers out of business, which is hugely beneficial to our youth. It is doubtful that they enjoy those interactions and making them fewer can help keep them safe.

Are The Teens In Recreational States Smoking More?

One of the biggest fears is that when making cannabis legal to consume recreationally, our youth will start indulging more because it will be more available. That is isn’t such a crazy way of thinking. However, it has been proven wrong. States like Colorado and Washington are showing no significant inclines in adolescent marijuana use. Teens who use marijuana are going to use it whether it is legal or not, the only thing we can hope to do is educate them on the possible risks and how to know when the cannabis they are using is the right level of cannabinoids.

An Accepting Society Can Be A Knowledgeable One

Woman Waving Finger

With teens surrounded by cannabis users, they probably will inherit some of their wisdom. With educated leaders on the subject opposed to finger waving lunatics, it is easier for our youth to accept and understand the risks behind using specific strains of cannabis. Instead of being loudly told how wrong it is, they are calming educated on the fallbacks on risky behavior. This also goes for adults who are misusing this drug. One of the best weapons against the abuse of this drug is education.



Things You Should Know About Cannabis Use In Our Youth


It Can Be Addictive


Though many like to believe otherwise, cannabis can be addicting. It may not appear the same as other addictions like breaking out in sweats, vomiting, and diarrhea, but it is addicting on some small level. The likelihood of becoming addicted to marijuana increases the younger you start habitually using it. Adult users who start smoking in their mid-twenties are less likely to develop a physical dependence.



It May Increase The Likelihood Of Mental Health Issues


Heavy cannabis use at an early age can raise the risk of developing schizophrenia. It also can improve the chances of depression and anxiety, which will make school work, a social life, and extracurriculars hard to do. Teenagers who habitually smoke cannabis can have problems with impaired emotional development, grow into a person who is continuously unsatisfied in adulthood, and an increased risk of mental disorders.



A counter to these studies, is some researchers believe that people already have these underlying issues and are seeking cannabis as a way to self-medicate because it helps to give them relief. We are still unsure whether or not cannabis use can be a catalyst for mental health issues, but there are plenty of studies revealing how cannabis can relieve many psychological problems.



It is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 or 18 to buy and consume cannabis. It is not advised for parents to let their kids smoke weed because they used to or because everyone is doing it. The cannabis on the streets now is a lot stronger than it used to be which gives more risk to mental disorders. And just because everyone is doing it doesn’t mean it isn’t affecting them. How many adults avoid psychosis when smoking is by having regulated marijuana that has CBD and THC at a proper ratio. There are also many people who add CBD to their cannabis to dampen the effects of THC. However, if you believe your teen needs medical cannabis, talk to a professional so they can get the help they need.




Sarah Potts

Sarah Potts has been writing about the wonderful benefits of cannabis for CBD Instead since 2017. Medical cannabis has changed her life and her goal is to show others how it might help them as well.


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