Intrusive thoughts are extremely common with those suffering from PTSD. Your brain has trained itself to be on the lookout all times because it is NOT going to be caught off guard again. This defense mechanism would be great if it weren’t so debilitating, so how can you calm your brain down when you aren’t in danger?

Your Brain is Always Watching
You may feel like your symptoms hit you like a ton of bricks out of nowhere and take you back to the moment you felt real terror, but your brain is always watching and taking note of your surroundings. If you experienced trauma that involved a blue car, your mind is going to recognize a blue car as dangerous and can give you a sense of anxiety anytime one comes around the corner.
How Our Brains are Supposed to Handle Fear

How CBD May Help with Intrusive Thoughts
Studies show that CBD may elevate the levels of anandamide in your brain making it more efficient. The endocannabinoid travels to the neuron that is sending these signals and tells it to stop over activating the receiving neuron. This doesn’t completely get rid of intrusive thoughts or paranoia, but it may make the symptoms far less severe and more manageable so you can live in the present instead of always being stuck in the past.
Talk to a Doctor
When it comes to mental health, medicine alone isn’t going to cure you. Therapy and changing your lifestyle are the other two tools you need to use to get better. You experienced something traumatic; this injury doesn’t just go away. Finding someone to talk to and learn healthy coping mechanisms from is crucial to healing.
How Do You Take CBD For PTSD?
If you find that you notice an episode coming, you can arm yourself with a CBD tincture or E-cig to help get the CBD into your system fast to avoid breaking down. You can also even use it in the middle of a panic attack to help calm down. If you find that you have anxiety biting at your heels all day, taking CBD edibles and pills can help you have relief throughout the day. Whatever method you need, we have got you covered. Be sure to stop by our shop to get your CBD today!